Air transportation occurrence data

Dataset from January 1995

With a view to advancing transportation safety, the TSB is publishing data from its Aviation Safety Information System (ASIS) on reportable accidents and incidents (which together are called occurrences) for use by industry and the public. The TSB gathers the data in the course of its investigations and uses it to analyze safety deficiencies and identify risks in the Canadian transportation system.

Accidents and incidents are reported in accordance with the Transportation Safety Board Regulations that were in effect at the time.

The dataset is composed of 5 tables in CSV format.

Content of the dataset

Some data collected by the TSB and recorded in ASIS will be excluded from the public database to protect third-party, personal and privileged information, in accordance with the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act, the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act.

The data in text fields is provided in English and French, while free-text fields contain data in the language in which it was entered. Some of the data is from sources not subject to the Official Languages Act and are therefore available only in the language in which it was provided.

Data dictionary

The data are described in the data dictionary for this dataset, which is available in CSV [89 kb]

Release schedule

The ASIS dataset is released on or soon after the 15th of each month, and contains data from January 1995 to the last day of the month preceding its release.


The dataset is for information purposes only. The user of the data assumes all responsibilities for its use and for verifying its completeness and accuracy for both critical and non-critical uses and applications.

The data in ASIS has been collected by the TSB from third-party sources believed to be reliable. As many occurrences are not formally investigated by the TSB (see the Occurrence Classification Policy), information pertaining to some occurrences may not have been validated. Consequently, this data is provided on an as-is basis, and the TSB does not warrant its quality, accuracy, reliability, or completeness.

In no event will the TSB be liable for any direct, special, indirect, consequential or other damages, however caused, arising out of or in connection with the use of any data contained in this dataset. If you find any errors, please report them to

The dataset

The dataset is published in 5 tables in CSV format.

A blank cell in these tables indicates that this field is not applicable or is not populated.

The data fields are described in the data dictionary.

Occurrence table

This table contains data on the occurrence summary, including the date, time and location of the occurrence, the occurrence type and category, the occurrence classification, the aircraft involved, the number of injuries/or fatalities, the weather conditions, and data relating to the landing and takeoff aerodrome or operating surface.

[CSV file 94.31 MB]

Aircraft table

This table contains data on the occurrence aircraft, including its type, make, model, registration, and country of registration, aircraft’s engine(s), propellers, and rotors, data relating to any explosion, fire, fumes and/or smoke, operator information including type of operator, type of flight plan, flight number, departure and destination, and air traffic service involvement.

[CSV file 67.24 MB]

Injuries table

This table contains data on the number and severity of injuries resulting from the occurrence.

[CSV file 5.21 MB]

Events and phases table

This table contains data pertaining to the phases of the occurrence flight and the events during the flight.

[CSV file 59.66 MB]

Survivability table

This table contains data relating to the evacuation of the occurrence aircraft, the effectiveness of survival devices, and the systems for locating the occurrence aircraft.

[CSV file 7.96 MB]