Marine transportation safety letters and concerns
Safety concerns
Safety concerns provide a marker to the industry and the regulator that the Board has identified a safety deficiency for which it does not yet have sufficient information to make a recommendation. As more data and analysis becomes available, and if the safety deficiency is found to be systemic and not redressed, the safety concern may lead to a recommendation. Safety concerns are usually communicated in final investigation reports.
Safety information letters
The TSB sends safety information letters to regulatory and/or industry stakeholders to advise them of potentially unsafe acts or conditions identified during an investigation that pose low risks and do not require immediate remedial action. The letters aim to promote safety or clarify issues that a stakeholder is already examining, and are sent before the investigation has been completed. Those that do not contain privileged or proprietary information are posted here.
Safety advisory letters
Safety advisory letters are concerned with safety deficiencies that pose low to medium risks, and are used to inform regulatory or industry stakeholders of unsafe conditions. A safety advisory letter suggests remedial action to reduce risks to safety.
Product | Date issued | Subject | No. | To | Related occurrence |
Safety Concern | Comprehensive guidance for managing the risk of parametric rolling | n/a | n/a | M21P0297 | |
Safety Concern | Canada’s preparedness for marine emergencies | n/a | n/a | M21P0297 | |
Safety Concern | Knowledge of the operation of carbon dioxide fixed fire suppression systems | n/a | n/a | M21A0041 | |
Safety Concern | Marine firefighting capabilities of shore-side resources | n/a | n/a | M19C0403 | |
Safety Concern | Training in passenger safety management for crew members on passenger vessels carrying more than 12 passengers | n/a | n/a | M17C0179 | |
Safety Concern | Availability of sufficient lifejackets for all children and infants on board | n/a | n/a | M17C0179 | |
Safety Concern | Development and oversight of vessel-specific evacuation procedures | n/a | n/a | M17C0179 | |
Safety Concern | Compliance with regulations and standards | n/a | n/a | M09L0068 | |
Safety Concern | Hot work | n/a | n/a | M06L0004 | |
Safety Concern | Planning and coordination of emergency plans | n/a | n/a | M06L0004 | |
Safety Concern | Performance requirements for LED navigation lamps on unmanned barges | n/a | n/a | M03W0265 | |
Safety Concern | Adequacy of regulatory inspection | n/a | n/a | M03W0073 | |
Safety Concern | Adequacy of British Columbia Ferry Corporation's safety management system | n/a | n/a | M03W0073 | |
Safety Concern | Firefighting tactics on fishing vessels | n/a | n/a | M03M0077 | |
Safety Concern | Standard mass determination | n/a | n/a | M03M0077 | |
Safety Concern | Accessibility of fire control plans | n/a | n/a | M01C0054 | |
Safety Concern | Installation of sprinkler systems | n/a | n/a | M01C0054 | |
Safety advisory letter | Registration of commercial fishing vessels in Manitoba |
02/25 | Director Executive Director Director, National Licensing Operations |
M24P0139 M24P0140 |
Safety advisory letter | Commercial fishing safety in Manitoba |
01/25 | Vice President |
M24P0139 M24P0140 |
Safety advisory letter | Safety deficiencies on board the Navark Faucon Millenium |
01/24 | Operations Manager |
M24C0142 | |
Safety advisory letter | Safe loading of lobster fishing vessels | 02/23 | Director General, Marine Safety and Security, Transport Canada Director of National Licencing Operations, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Vice-President Prevention, WorkSafeNB |
M23A0107 | |
Safety advisory letter | Failure of personal flotation device to inflate | 01/23 | Operations Manager, Canship Ugland Ltd. Chief Operating Officer, Atlantic Pilotage Authority |
M22A0332 | |
Safety advisory letter | Regulatory compliance of fishing vessels above 15GT |
03/22 | Director General, Marine Safety and Security, Transport Canada |
M20P0229 | |
Safety advisory letter | Safety issues on passenger vessels owned by the City of Toronto | 02/22 | City Manager - Toronto | M22C0231 | |
Safety advisory letter | Safety during docking and undocking operations | 03/22 | Director of Marine Operations, CTMA Regional Director, Programs – Atlantic, Transport Canada |
M22C0005 | |
Safety advisory letter | Statement about need for registration of commercial fishing vessels with Transport Canada | 02/21 | President, Canadian Council of Professional Fish Harvesters | M20A0160 | |
Safety advisory letter | Rudder effectiveness angle on the Florence Spirit (IMO 9314600) | 01/21 | Director – Transportation, McKeil Marine Limited | M20C0188 | |
Safety advisory letter | Consultation regarding the implementation of the corridor in LFA 24 | 03/19 | Director General, Strategic Policy, Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
M18A0303 | |
Safety advisory letter | Failure of lifeboat release hook | 04/18 | Jiangsu Jiaoyan Marine Equipment Co., Ltd. | M17A0391 | |
Safety information letter | Divestiture of the Freshwater Fisheries Marketing Corporation (FFMC) and commercial fishing safety |
01/25 | Director, Intergovernmental Affairs |
M24P0139 M24P0140 |
Safety information letter | Deer Island Princess II bottom contact |
02/24 | General Manager |
M24A0188 | |
Safety information letter | Submersible operations in Canadian waters | 01/24 | Director General, Marine Safety and Security |
M23A0169 | |
Safety information letter | Installed location of CO2 pilot cartridges and access to manual release levers | 03/23 | Director General, Marine Safety and Security, Transport Canada |
M22A0258 | |
Safety information letter | Examination of aft rudder flap assembly on the ferry Confederation | 02/23 | Regional Director, Programs-Atlantic, Transport Canada |
M22A0312 | |
Safety information letter | Fatigue management aboard Beaumont Hamel |
01/23 | Director, Marine Services, Department of Transportation and Infrastructure |
M22A0360 | |
Safety information letter | Continuous exchange of information between pilots and masters |
02/22 | Director General, Marine Safety and Security, Transport Canada |
M22C0015 | |
Safety information letter | Safe speed for vessels in Tofino Harbour, British Columbia | 01/22 | Director General, Marine Safety and Security, Transport Canada |
M21P0290 | |
Safety information letter | Early notification of search and rescue authorities of developing situations |
01/20 | Transportation and Works |
M20A0048 | |
Safety information letter | Safety Issues on Passenger Vessels Navigating in the Thousand Islands Area | 02/18 | Transport Canada, 1000 Islands and Seaway Cruises, Gananoque Boat Line, Kingston 1000 Islands Cruises, and Rockport Cruises | M17C0179 | |
Safety information letter | Safety issues associated with mooring operations in the maritime industry | 01/18 | Transport Canada | M17C0060 | |
Safety information letter | Overheating of hydrodynamic fluid coupling and subsequent fire | 04/17 | Transport Canada | M17C0220 | |
Safety information letter | Collapse of the platform and gangway | 11/16 | Municipality of Sainte-Rose-du-Nord | M16C0146 |