18 March 2025
Director General, Civil Aviation
Transport Canada
Kannad ELT Design Authority
Safran Electronics & Defense Beacons SAS
On 02 May 2024, the Custom Helicopters Ltd. Bell 206L helicopter (registration C-FYHN, serial number 45050) was conducting a visual flight rules flight from Goose Bay Airport (CYYR), Newfoundland and Labrador, to Pangnirtung Airport (CYXP), Nunavut, with the pilot alone on board.
The flight departed in reduced visibility and cloud ceilings because of ongoing light snowfall, and when the aircraft was about 75 nautical miles (NM) north of CYYR, the visibility decreased to about ½ statute miles (SM) because of increasing snowfall. The pilot decided to attempt a precautionary landing and wait for the visibility to improve. The poor visibility caused the pilot to misjudge his height above ground in the descent and, at about 0920,All times are Atlantic Daylight Time (Coordinated Universal Time minus 3 hours). the helicopter struck the frozen surface of Lewis Lake, Newfoundland and Labrador (54°33.85' N, 060°16.22' W).
The pilot received minor injuries but was able to egress through the right front door. He used the SOS feature of a portable satellite communicator to send a pre-programmed emergency message to the company operations department.
The helicopter’s 406 MHz emergency locator transmitter (ELT) activated upon impact. It initially transmitted a hexcode that was detected by the Canadian Mission Control Centre (CMCC) at 0944; however, the hexcode did not correspond to any known aircraft. At 1058, the ELT transmitted a different hexcode, that the CMCC detected as being registered to the occurrence helicopter.Each 406 MHz ELT must have its unique hexcode registered with the Canadian Beacon Registry before it is installed on a Canadian-registered aircraft. The CMCC notified the Halifax Joint Rescue Coordination Centre at 1106. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada investigation into this occurrence (A24A0019) is ongoing.
The initial hexcode received by the CMCC at 0944 was the ELT manufacturer’s maintenance test code. The investigation was unable to determine why the ELT hexcode was initially detected as the maintenance hexcode rather than the one registered to the helicopter.The TSB laboratory examined the occurrence ELT and only the programmed hexcode registered to C-FYHN was transmitted during activation tests. Safran was unable to reproduce this maintenance hexcode phenomenon on serial products; however, it identified that there is a degraded mode in which an ELT may change the hexcode during a distress transmission.Safran Electronics & Defense Beacons SAS is the design authority for Kannad ELTs.
According to the CMCC, this discrepancy has occurred on multiple different occasions with other operators using similar ELT models.The following TSB occurrences involved Kannad 406AF-Compact ELTs initially transmitting a manufacturer’s maintenance test code: A24Q0094, A24W0093, A24W0008, A21C0052, A14W0181, A12W0149, A12W0121, A12W0107, and A11C0114. If an ELT broadcasts a maintenance hexcode, the Geographic Information System at CMCC does not provide an alert notification. When an unregistered hexcode detection is noticed by a CMCC specialist, the specialist must investigate to determine the validity of the signal.
If an ELT broadcasts a hexcode that is not registered with the Canadian Beacon Registry, the commencement of search and rescue operations for a missing aircraft may be delayed, which reduces the occupants' chances of survival. The TSB has previously noted that there are 65 000 Kannad ELTs on the market.TSB, Air Safety Advisory A19Q0109-D1-A1: Failure of the Kannad 406AF-Compact emergency locator transmitter switch locking system, at https://www.tsb.gc.ca/eng/securite-safety/aviation/2019/a19q0109/a19q0109-d1-a1.html (last accessed on 07 March 2025).
The foregoing is provided for whatever follow-up action is deemed appropriate.
The TSB would appreciate being advised of any action that is taken in this regard. Upon completion of TSB Air Transportation Safety Investigation A24A0019, the Board will release its report into the occurrence.
Yours sincerely,
Original signed by
Craig Johnston
Director of Investigations, Air
Transportation Safety Board of Canada
Civil Aviation Safety Inspector, Airworthiness, Minister’s Observer, Transport Canada