Striking of berth
Passenger ferry Sam McBride
Toronto, Ontario

TSB issues three recommendations following investigation into ferry collision with dock at Jack Layton Ferry Terminal
TSB to issue three recommendations following the 2022 passenger ferry dock collision in Toronto, Ontario
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) will release its investigation report (M22C0231) into the Sam McBride ferry that collided with the dock at the Jack Layton ferry terminal on August 20, 2022.
As part of its mandate, the TSB makes recommendations to eliminate or reduce safety deficiencies that pose significant risks to the transportation system and warrant the attention of regulators and industry.
Release of investigation report M22C0231 - Sam McBride
Kathy Fox, TSB Chair
Yoan Marier, Board Member
Étienne Séguin-Bertrand, Senior Investigator/Safety Analyst (Marine)
Toronto, Ontario
19 August 2024
Check against delivery.
Kathy Fox - Introduction
Good morning and thank you for joining us.
Safety communications related to TSB investigation M22C0231: August 2022 collision with dock of the passenger ferry Sam McBride
The occurrence
On August 20, 2022, the Sam McBride departed Centre Island toward Toronto’s Jack Layton Ferry Terminal with six crew and approximately 910 passengers on board. Earlier that day, the ferry had completed eight crossings, six of which were at full capacity. It was behind schedule, which is not unusual on a busy summer day. Shortly after 5:00 PM local time, the ferry struck the dock while berthing, resulting in approximately 20 passengers standing on or above the stairs being injured, mainly from losing their footing and falling.
Findings from TSB investigation M22C0231: August 2022 collision with dock of passenger ferry Sam McBride
Investigations conducted by the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) are complex since an accident rarely results from a single cause. In the case of the August 2022 striking of berth of passenger ferry Sam McBride in Toronto, Ontario, which resulted in 20 passengers sustaining injuries, several factors led to the accident. The four findings below detail the causes and contributing factors that led to this occurrence.
Marine Transportation Safety Advisory Letter 02/22
November 1, 2022
City Manager
Toronto ON M5H 2N2
Subject :
Marine Transportation Safety Advisory Letter 02/22 (occurrence M22C0231)
Safety issues on passenger vessels owned by the City of Toronto